
Easy ArchiveTeam Warrior Service

Assume that you've seen Jason Scott's OSBridge talk and you've downloaded ArchiveTeam Warrior. It's great. It runs under VirtualBox. It's got a web interface. You watched it chew up all your free space on your C:\ drive, so you moved it to a secondary disk and it's chugging along happily. Now what?

You hide it so you don't have to worry about it, and it will start automatically when your machine boots. This is easier said than done.

The great thing about ArchiveTeam Warrior is that it's mostly self-contained. You run it, it boots, you point your browser to http://localhost:8001/ and fill out all of two settings, save, and you're done. As long as you've got the disk space, it just phones home, gets jobs, and executes them. Pretty hands-off stuff. But if you are happy enough to run it and let it just sort of crank through its curls and wgets in the background, you kind of want it to be just that: in the background.

Fortunately, there is a small collection of tools you can use to do that. I record this here for posterity.

  1. Download AlwaysUp. AlwaysUp is a great little "any-program-as-a-Windows-Service" utility and the cost isn't too bad. If you check the registry, there's a facepalmingly easy hack for keeping your evaluation copy running indefinitely.

  2. Download Hidden Start. There's a 64-bit version available, too.

  3. When you create your new AlwaysUp service, use it to run hstart64.exe with the arguments "/noconsole "C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxHeadless.exe -s [The UUID of your ArchiveTeam Warrior appliance]"". If you don't know your appliance's UUID, run "VBoxManage.exe list vms".

  4. Set your user account info and leave the Logon checkbox for "don't show the application's windows and try icons" unchecked. Hstart64 will cover this for you.

  5. Set your Startup and Extras options. AlwaysUp has a decent walkthrough for these settings. Since ArchiveTeam Warrior uses a web UI, you don't have to worry about poking RDP or SSH holes in your config.

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