
Games and Movies

We were discussing how awful movies made from games and games made from movies both are.

I couldn't think of an exception.

Today I thought of "Clue". Good game, good movie.

Check and mate, cosmos.


Anonymous said...

Your Clue trivia for the day: The singing telegram girl is played by none other than Go-Go's guitarist Jane Weidlin.

Anonymous said...

The Resident Evil movies kick ass.

(I know, I know -- most people don't realize this. Their loss.)

Jezcabelle said...

I vote w/ Nevin - I liked them.

Anonymous said...

By the way, I saw the new Resident Evil movie today. In short: It was like the previous movies in that there were enough good aspects and enough frustrating aspects that the movie will probably fulfill whatever expectations you have. Personally, I went in planning to see a good zombie movie, and so I did. (It's half zombie movie, and half straightforward action, much like the 2nd movie.)

Here is my longer explanation (with vague spoilers):

The main conflict in the movie is a competition between various characters to make references to other movies. Milla wins easily with her confident Clint Eastwood impersonation(*). The scientists holed up underground wasted valuable time dithering between Alien: Resurrection and Day of the Dead, and a convoy of supporting characters made the fatal mistake of thinking they were in a Mad Max movie when they were actually in The Birds. Milla claims victory and as a reward, chooses to turn the last third of the movie into a big Hollywood action sequence.

Also, there is a shot involving a cigarette, a sneer, and some dynamite. It is basically the culmination of 100+ years of cinematic history.

The end of the movie is either a major shark-jumping moment, or a promise of an absolutely fascinating fourth movie. I'm not sure. Either way, though, it's the best idea anyone has ever had for alternate-history Aliens fanfic.

(*Footnote: This movie made me realize just how badly I need to see a zombie western. Oh My God, that would be awesome.)