
Drugs are Nice

I get free ibuprofen at work, as much as my kidneys can tolerate. They're an off-brand type that used to look like little white tablets. In the last month or so, they've switched their fabrication process to make them Advil-ier.

Advil is the king of ibuprofen brands. Everybody knows that those little beveled mauve roundies are what you picture in your head when you think of ibuprofen. I liked the old pills, because they were kind of a small middle finger at big pharma, saying "piss off, ibuprofen doesn't have to be a ruddy red color".

Now I don't know anymore. It seems like my off-brand pain reliever has capitulated to the big guys. I mean, it's just a coating for Christ's sake. The medicine is the invisible bit in the middle. What's worst is that these knockoff Advillitos are individually-wrapped doses, so you can't even see them until you've ripped open the little paper packet.

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