
I Guess This is a "Thing" Now

Sam "The Bastard Doesn't Podcast Anymore" Sugar notes that Make the Girl Dance has a video of naked people walking through Paris.

That's it. That's the video.

This neither surprises nor shocks me, because it's pretty much spot-on with the Matt and Kim video for Lessons Learned.

What stays with me about these kinds of videos isn't the nudity, it's postulating how they manage to pull off public displays of it in places where that kind of thing isn't exactly considered tres bien, like Times Square, New York.

Nowadays, the fulcrum of the debate is how much digital trickery is involved. It's the argument of "they just did it with computers" versus "they didn't have a lot of money to spend". I'm sure that the next U2 video could easily involve Bono convincingly meeting a space alien, travelling back in time to be the gunman on the grassy knoll, and then buying a six-pack at the supermarket without showing ID. It would cost millions to make.

On the other hand, I watch videos from relatively more obscure bands on MTV2, and they don't have unlimited budgets, so you have to wonder just how much they could afford to do. It's a timeless maxim: nudity is cheap and a sure-fire way to get attention. The problem then becomes one of making sure your naked people are garnering that attention towards the right things.

PETA animal abuse? Sure. 2-for-1 at Danny's Discount Doughnuts? Not so much. Just plain rockin' out? Somewhere in between.

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