
Honey, sans Pablo

Erosblog has dug up a rare gem of 1970s sexploitation film: Invasion of the Bee Girls: "I am hard pressed to think of any other piece of soft-sci-fi sexploitation that has the same utter courage of its demented convictions as this movie does, and I wonder (and in fact, sort of regret) that there aren't more like it."

Invasion of the Bee Girls is one of the best films ever made on the subject of girls who are also bees, and who undergo a metamorphosis in order to mate with the human male. Personally, I don't really get how a matriarchal hive-ordered insect species would aspire to resemble, let alone breed with, primates. Nonetheless, this concept has been covered on multiple occasions, including an also-ran episode of The Outer Limits.

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