
Music to Seethe By

Today is Valentine's Day, an international suckfest from which I can derive no joy whatsoever. Here's the playlist I've assembled for the occasion:

"Betty and Me", Jonathan Coulton
"Baby, I Love You", The Yayhoos
"Crazy", Aerosmith
"I Crush Everything", Jonathan Coulton
"Valerie", Amy Winehouse
"Alison", Elvis Costello
"The Future Soon", Jonathan Coulton
"Hey Pretty", Poe featuring Mark Z. Danielewski
"Same Old Song", The Four Tops
"Maps", The Yeah Yeah Yeahs
"Build Me Up Buttercup", The Foundations
"Skullcrusher Mountain", Jonathan Coulton

There's no rhyme or reason to it, other than that it consists of songs I already had on my iRiver, plus most of Where Tradition Meets Tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You forgot the obvious: "Seether" by Veruca Salt.