
Fye: full, yawning emptiness


I went to Fye looking for a DVD copy of Blood Simple, and sure enough they don't have it. They don't even regularly stock it. WTF?! I'm downloading it right about now, it's just in line in front of Eyes Wide Shut which, let's face it, is kind of a cheery upbeat film by comparison. It even has a happy ending.

To wit:

"The world is full of complainers. But the fact is, nothing comes with a guarantee. I don't care if you're the Pope of Rome, President of the United States, or even Man of the Year — something can always go wrong. And go ahead, complain, tell your problems to your neighbor, ask for help — watch him fly. Now in Russia, they got it mapped out so that everyone pulls for everyone else — that's the theory, anyway. But what I know about is Texas.... And down here... you're on your own."

Hell fucking yes I'm going to rewatch a movie that starts like that.

In honesty, I've had some really amazing friends stick through me for all of this. It may sound weird, but I feel truly blessed to have such a strong web of friendship willing to go anywhere and do anything for me without me even having to ask.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, you've learned a valuable lesson about shopping at Fye. I don't shop there myself unless I've checked out all other possibilities first.