
The Wachowski Brothers Saw This Coming

"As I was saying, she stumbled upon a solution whereby nearly ninety-nine percent of the test subjects accepted the program provided they were given a choice, even if they were only aware of it at a near-unconscious level. While this solution worked it was fundamentally flawed, creating the otherwise contradictory systemic anomaly that, if left unchecked, might threaten the system itself."
— The Architect, The Matrix Reloaded

Do I have opinions about the U.S. presidential election? You bet. Are they any of your damn business? No they are not. In all, I feel very disappointed that citizens have become so loyal to the concept of the two-party system that they are shocked – shocked I say – when the popular vote cuts as close to the 51% to 49% razor-thin margin as is statistically permissible by the inherent limitations of the process. How 51/49 in favor of your candidate is "justice" but 51/49 for the other guy is "a sham" is beyond me.

When you're trying to pick between two middle-of-the-road moderates, a compassionate conservative and a wealthy, privileged liberal, you're witnessing the very definition of "homogenization". You may as well be picking between Coke and Pepsi: one's red, one's blue; they're both carbonated syrup water that's gonna rot your teeth.

There's also something to say about the fact that Democratic candidates exclusively get the states with major metropolitan centers: New York City, NY; Los Angeles, CA; Chicago, IL; and, inexplicably, Philadelphia, PA. I just don't know what it is yet.

In more important news, OpenBSD 3.6 is out, and I still haven't gotten my pre-order CDs in the mail. WTF?

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